Hao Zi Yoh at St James’s Piccadilly with style, colour, excitement and passion
The four books of Iberia by Albeniz are considered his masterpiece and Rondeña that Hao Zi played today is from the second book .A famous New York critic writing about Alicia de Larrocha’s performance simply said : “There is really nothing in Isaac Albeniz’s Iberia that a good three-handed pianist could not master, given unlimited years of practice and permission to play at half tempo. But there are few pianists thus endowed.” Hao Zi has no need for three hands because she has a sense of style and colour allied to excitement and passion that brought this beautiful piece vividly to life. A technical command that allowed the music to flow so naturally with a subtle sense of rubato and beguiling sense of character. The beautiful ending suddenly capriciously springing to life with a typical Spanish click of the heels and stamp of the feet.