Sherri Lun at St James’s Piccadilly, London
Poetry and grandeur with crystalline clarity and impeccable musicianship
Some very assured playing from the opening notes of the Bach Chaconne played with great authority with wonderful layers of sound. There was a luminosity and fluidity to her playing of great clarity and precision where there was both poetry and passion ,power and grandeur. A wonderful range of sounds but always within the style of one of the greatest works ever written for a solo instrument.
There was a delicacy to her chromatic study by Debussy that was played with a crystalline clarity and great beauty as the melodic line was intoned in the bass with the insinuating chromatic jeux perlé whispered above. Debussy’s ‘fireworks’ were just that, beginning with just a scintillating spark of extraordinary clarity and precision as it gradually built from a glimmer to a glowing outpouring of quite transcendental mastery only to die away as the Marseillaise was heard in the distance. Some ravishingly atmospheric playing as we listened to the barely whispered anthem before the last spark was extinguished.